A R I A S O C I E T Y S P O T L I G H T |
2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6
February 22 - March 19, 2016
A passionate devotee of opera and loyal subscriber at Lyric, Liz is a
prominent member of Lyric’s Women’s Board and a longstanding
member of the Guild Board of Directors. She has generously
supported The Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Opera Center, and
has underwritten the Opening Night Pre-Opera Cocktail Buffet, the
Opera Ball Reception, and the Wine Auction Honored Guest Dinner.
This past season, Liz Stiffel was a Diamond Patron of the celebratory
60th Anniversary Concert and Diamond Ball. Previously, Liz Stiffel was the Lead Sponsor
of the Renée Fleming Subscriber Appreciation Concert (2010/11) and the Stars of Lyric
Opera at Millennium Park
concert (2013/14), and she generously cosponsored several
mainstage productions, most recently
(2014/15). She has also supported Lyric’s
Building on Greatness Capital Campaign, and Lyric has named Mezzanine Box 1 in
recognition of her significant gift to the Breaking New Ground Campaign. This season,
Liz Stiffel generously underwrites the appearance of Lyric’s world premiere
Bel Canto
PBS Great Performances.
Carol and William Vance
Lyric Opera appreciates the extraordinary generosity and
leadership of the Vance Family. For more than 20 years,
Mrs. Herbert A. Vance provided Lead Sponsorship of
Opera in the Neighborhoods, one of Lyric’s most popular
youth-enrichment programs. The Vances have generously
sponsored/cosponsored several Lyric premieres and new
productions, most recently
Sound of Music
(2014/15), and this
The King and I
. For many years, the Vances have
supported young singers through their sponsorship of
Ryan Opera Center ensemble members. In addition, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Vance
contributed to the Campaign for Excellence and the Breaking New Ground Campaign,
and are generous sponsors of the Renée Fleming Initiative. Mr. Vance is an esteemed
member of Lyric’s Board of Directors, Compensation, and Executive Committees. He
also serves on the Ryan Opera Center Board, of which he is a past President.
Donna Van Eekeren
Donna Van Eekeren is a devoted opera fan, Lyric subscriber,
and generous supporter of the Ryan Opera Center. She enjoys
encouraging talented young artists in her roles as a Ryan Opera
Center Distinguished Benefactor and Lead Sponsor of Rising
Stars in Concert and Exclusive Sponsor of its radio rebroadcast on
98.7WFMT. Reflecting her passion for introducing young people
to opera, the Donna Van Eekeren Foundation has supported Lyric’s
Performances for Students, NEXT
Discount Tickets for College
Students, and Opera in the Neighborhoods, as well as Fantasy of
the Opera and as a Singer Sponsor for the Ryan Opera Center. This season, the Donna
Van Eekeren Foundation generously cosponsors
The Merry Widow,
having previously
cosponsored several mainstage productions. Donna also made a leadership gift to the
Breaking New Ground Campaign to secure Lyric’s future. Executive Chairman of Land
O’Frost, Donna Van Eekeren is a valued member of Lyric’s Board of Directors, serving
as Secretary of the Board, on the Executive and Production Sponsorship Committees,
and on the Ryan Opera Center Board.
The Wallace Foundation is a national philanthropy that seeks to improve learning and
enrichment for disadvantaged children and foster the vitality of the arts for everyone.
Wallace has an unusual approach: funding projects to test innovative ideas for solving
important social problems, conducting research to find out what works and what
doesn’t and to fill key knowledge gaps – and then communicating the results to help
others. Lyric Opera is the recipient of a multi-phase
grant as part of the Foundation’s
Building Audiences
for Sustainability
initiative; the grant will fund research
and analysis of Lyric Opera audiences, and reveal
ways in which Lyric can maximize its reach in the
community. Lyric’s work will inform lessons that will
be shared with the broader field.
Roberta and Bob Washlow are cherished members of
the Lyric family. For more than three decades, they have
enjoyed attending Lyric performances and special events,
and have generously supported the Annual Campaign.
Since 1986, the Port, Washlow, and Errant Families
sponsored more than 20 Lyric productions. Roberta and
Bob made a generous commitment to the Breaking New
Ground Campaign to support Lyric Unlimited activities. The Washlows have annually
remained valued members of the production sponsorship family, and generously
cosponsor this season’s world premiere of
Bel Canto.
Lyric is honored to have Roberta
Washlow as an esteemed member of its Board of Directors.
Lyric is honored to have found dedicated friends in Robert
and Floretta Weiss. Subscribers since shortly after Lyric’s
inception, the Weisses have long been a pillar of the Lyric
Opera community. A cherished member of the Women’s
Board, Flo has supported board activities with her time
and generous commitment for many years. Together,
Bob and Flo have contributed regularly to the Annual
Campaign and have given leadership gifts to the Great Opera Fund, the Building on
Greatness Capital Campaign, the Campaign for Excellence, and the Breaking New
Ground Campaign. Lyric is sincerely grateful for the longstanding devotion of Bob
and Flo Weiss.
Rob and Susan Wood have been steadfast members of the Lyric Opera family for more
than three decades. Rob Wood serves as a distinguished Life Director of the Board.
Together, the Woods have contributed leadership gifts to the Great Opera Fund,
the Building on Greatness Capital Campaign, the Campaign for Excellence, and the
Breaking New Ground Campaign. They are loyal subscribers and generous supporters
of the Annual Campaign, and Lyric Opera is forever grateful for their friendship.
Helen and Sam Zell are passionate supporters of Chicago’s
vibrant cultural scene. They are longtime subscribers to
Lyric Opera and have contributed to the Annual Campaign
and special projects, including the Wine Auction, for many
years. Helen and Sam Zell have previously cosponsored
several new productions, and this season are generous
cosponsors of Lyric’s world premiere
Bel Canto
A dedicated subscriber and longtime member of the
Guild Board, Lyric is proud to recognize Anne Zenzer
for her generous planned gift as part of the Breaking New
Ground Campaign. A partner at Witt/Kieffer Associates,
and a lifelong opera enthusiast and staunch supporter of
the Annual Campaign, Anne has ensured Lyric’s bright
future through her thoughtful commitment and charitable
Anne Zenzer and husband
Dominick DeLuca