A R I A S O C I E T Y S P O T L I G H T |
2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 7
November 19 - December 7, 2016
Susie is an esteemed member of the Lyric Opera family.
She is immediate past President of the RyanOpera Center
Board, Chair of the Ryan Opera Center Nominating
committee, and serves on the Lyric Unlimited
Committee. Along with her beloved late husband Dick
Kiphart, Susie is a passionate philanthropist. Dick and
Susie generously cosponsored several Lyric productions,
most recently
The Passenger
(2014/15). In honor of Lyric’s Golden Jubilee
(2004/05), they made a significant gift to Lyric to establish the Richard P. and
Susan Kiphart Costume Director Endowed Chair. They have made leadership
contributions to the Campaign for Excellence, of which Dick served as chairman,
and the Breaking New Ground Campaign. They also continue to provide major
support for Lyric’s radio programming as members of the broadcast consortium
and are generous sponsors of the Renée Fleming Initiative. Lyric will forever be
grateful for the visionary leadership of the late Dick Kiphart. He was a past President
and CEO as well as Chairman of Lyric’s Board of Directors, Chairman of the
Nominating/Governance Committee, and a member of the Executive, Finance
and Production Sponsorship Committees. The Kipharts’ enthusiasm for opera
and heartfelt commitment to Lyric are tremendous assets to the company, and in
recognition of their passion and immense dedication they received the Carol Fox
Award, Lyric’s highest honor, in 2013.
Linda K. Myers
Kirkland&Ellis LLP has a more than 100-year history of providing
exceptional service to clients in Chicago and around the world
in complex litigation, corporate and tax, intellectual property,
restructuring, and counseling matters. The firm is committed
to enhancing quality of life through educational opportunities,
cultural awareness, youth programs, and community outreach.
For many years, Kirkland & Ellis LLP sponsored Lyric Opera’s
Board of Directors Annual Meeting. More recently, Kirkland
& Ellis LLP cosponsored
Boris Godunov
A Streetcar Named Desire
(2012/13), and
The Merry Widow
(2015/16), and was Lead Sponsor of Lyric’s 60th
Anniversary Concert and Diamond Ball. Lyric Opera is fortunate to have Linda K.
Myers, a Partner at Kirkland & Ellis LLP, as a member of its Board of Directors,
Executive and Production Sponsorship Committees. This season, Kirkland & Ellis
LLP is the Lead Corporate sponsor of
Chicago Voices
Gala Benefit.
Opera has always played an important role in the life of Nancy W.
Knowles. Her love for the art form was nurtured by her family’s
musical traditions. “My father had hundreds and hundreds of
records to play,” she fondly recalls, “so classical music was always
in my home.” A devoted subscriber and patron, Nancy Knowles
is a prominent member of the Lyric family. She generously
invests her time, talents, and leadership abilities to advance
Lyric as a member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee, and
formerly as a Guild Board member. Chairman Emeritus of Knowles Electronics,
a manufacturer of hearing-aid components, Nancy Knowles is president of The
Knowles Foundation. The Knowles Foundation is a leading contributor to Lyric’s
Annual Campaign and has cosponsored several mainstage productions. As part of
the Building on Greatness Capital Campaign, the Foundation provided an assisted
listening system to enhance the operatic experience for hearing-impaired patrons. In
recognition of her extraordinary gift to the Campaign for Excellence, Lyric named
the Nancy W. Knowles Lobby in 2007. Mrs. Knowles has once again made a
significant gift in support of the Breaking New Ground Campaign to underwrite the
Nancy W. Knowles Student and Family Performances fund. In recognition of her
outstanding generosity and enthusiasm, she received the Carol Fox Award, Lyric’s
highest honor, in 2014. Most recently, Ms. Knowles is generously underwriting the
appearance of Lyric’s world premiere
Bel Canto
on PBS Great Performances.
Kay and Fred Krehbiel are longstanding dedicated
members of the Lyric Opera family. Lyric gratefully
acknowledges their generous contributions to Lyric’s
Wine Auction, the Annual Campaign, the Building
on Greatness Capital Campaign, the Campaign for
Excellence, and the Breaking New Ground Campaign.
Kay Krehbiel is a leading and cherished member of
Lyric’s Women’s Board, and Fred Krehbiel is a National Director of Lyric’s Board
of Directors.
Devoted members of the Lyric family, Josef and Margot
Lakonishok have subscribed to Lyric for many seasons.
They have contributed to the Annual Campaign, and
made significant gifts to the Campaign for Excellence and
the Breaking New Ground Campaign. They have also
cosponsored several mainstage productions, including
last year’s
and this season’s
Eugene Onegin
. The
CEO of LSV Asset Management, Josef Lakonishok is a
dedicated member of Lyric’s Board of Directors, serving on the Executive, Finance,
and Investment Committees.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation supports creative people,
effective institutions, and influential networks building a more just, verdant, and
peaceful world. MacArthur is placing a few big bets that truly significant progress
is possible on some of the world’s most pressing social challenges, including over-
incarceration, global climate change, nuclear risk, and significantly increasing
financial capital for the social sector. In addition to the MacArthur Fellows Program,
the Foundation supports arts and culture organizations in Chicago and the region as
an expression of its civic commitment to where the Foundation has its headquarters
and where John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur made
their home. Grants are designed to sustain the cultural
life of the city and region. Lyric Opera is very grateful
for the ongoing support of the MacArthur Foundation.
Robert H. Malott
Robert H. Malott, Retired Chairman and CEO of FMC
Corporation, is a fervent fan of opera and music, and Lyric
is delighted to call him a longtime friend, staunch leader,
and generous supporter. The Malott Family Foundation made
a leadership commitment to Lyric’s Breaking New Ground
Campaign, and the Malott Room was named in his family’s honor
in recognition of their gift to the Building on Greatness Capital
Campaign. He also plays a leadership role as a Life Director of
Lyric’s Board of Directors. In recognition of the Malott Family's commitment to
the Breaking New Ground Campagin, Box 18 is named in perpetuity in honor of
Robert H. Malott for his extraordinary generosity and steadfast dedication to Lyric
Opera of Chicago through the Malott Family Foundation.
Joseph O. Rubinelli, Jr., Mary Jane Rubinelli, Nicholas
J. Lavezzorio, and Joan Lavezzorio Schniedwind
Lyric deeply appreciates the abiding
friendship and generosity of the Mazza
Foundation. Under the guidance of its
directors, Mary Jane Rubinelli, Nicholas
J. Lavezzorio, Joseph O. Rubinelli, Jr.,
and Joan Lavezzorio Schniedwind, the
Mazza Foundation provided major
support for the Student Matinees from
1994 through 2004, helping Lyric
introduce the majesty and grandeur of
opera to thousands of young people
each season. Since 2005, the Mazza Foundation has been part of the production
sponsorship family, most recently cosponsoring
Il Trovatore
(2014/15), and
The Merry Widow
(2015/16). This season, the Mazza Foundation
generously cosponsors