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January 28 - February 24, 2017

Facilities and Services


Lyric Opera of Chicago welcomes you

to this performance. We are very glad

you are here. In order to ensure maxi-

mum enjoyment for all guests during

a performance, we ask for your compli-

ance with some simple house rules:

• Please remain silent during the


• As a gesture of respect for other

audience members and the perform-

ing artists, please remain seated until

an act or the opera is completely over.

If you need to leave the auditorium,

you may not be readmitted while the

performance is in progress. The usher

staff will help you understand when

you can be reseated.

• Do note that the program and artists

are subject to change without notice.

• Please silence all electronic devices

and double check that phones, pagers,

watches, and other personal devices

are switched off before the perfor-

mance begins.

• Please don’t use any device with

a glowing screen at any time during

a performance. It is always more

disruptive and distracting than you

think it is.

• Noises from the lobby may disturb

patrons in the auditorium during

a performance.

Your understanding and cooperation are

appreciated. Please let any member of

Lyric’s house staff know if you have any



Buy tickets online any time via Lyric’s


Pre-opera talks:

All ticketed guests are invited to attend

a free pre-performance talk in the

auditorium, beginning one hour before

curtain time and lasting for 30 minutes.

This is a great opportunity to learn

more about the performance you are

about to experience. Doors open for the

pre-opera talks 75 minutes before the

performance begins. You can feel free

to choose your seat for the talk. The

auditorium will be cleared after the

pre-opera talk concludes.

If you arrive late:

Lyric has a tradition of starting

performances right on time, and the

doors to the house are closed promptly

at curtain time. We realize situations

arise that can delay your arrival, and

we will try to accommodate latecomers

in an available section of the house or

at a predetermined break, which may

be intermission. A video screen is

available in the lobby, so you won’t miss

a moment of the performance. Please

be aware that patrons who must leave

their seats during a performance will

not be readmitted until intermission

or a suitable break.

Attention, Box Seat Holders:

Lyric encourages guests in box seats

to share the front-of-box seating by

switching seats within your box at an

appropriate time during an intermission.

You can make this plan, prior to the

performance, if you know the others

in your box. Please remember that you

may need to adjust your seating plans

to include patrons who do not regularly

sit in your box and would be unaware

of any previous seating arrangements.

Please Note:

The use of a ticket acknowledges that

you have granted permission to appear

in photographs, video capture, and

capture by other media, in all of the

public spaces in the house and theater

to be used by Lyric for any promotional

purpose. This blanket permission

releases Lyric Opera of Chicago from

liability resulting from the use of such

images in any medium.

First Aid:

In case of illness or injury, please

inform an usher, who will call the house

manager and house EMT for assistance.