February 22 - March 19, 2016
Dr. Alfred L. and Mildred Siegel
Joanne Silver
Jonathan P. Siner
Dr. Ira Singer
Joan M. Skepnek
Norman and Mirella Smith
Joan M. Solbeck
Mary Soleiman
Elaine Soter
Ms. Geraldine A. Spatz
Philip and Sylvia Spertus
James A. Staples
Sherie B. Stein
K. M. Stelletello
J. Allyson Stern
Carol A. Stitzer
Norene W. Stucka
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Stuffers
Emily J. Su
Peggy Sullivan
Sherwin A. Swartz
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Telander
Cheryl L. Thaxton
Lauritz K. Thomsen
Karen Hletko Tiersky
Myron Tiersky
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Turner
Jean M. Turnmire
Paul and Judith Tuszynski
Ultmann Family Charitable
Remainder Unitrust
Marlene A. Van Skike
Raita Vilnins
Dr. Malcolm Vye
Darcy Lynn Walker
Gary T. Walther
Albert Wang
Louella Krueger Ward
Karl N. Wechter
Patricia M. Wees
Mrs. Richard H. Wehman
Claude M. Weil
Eric Weimer and Edwin Hanlon
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Weinberg
Joanna L. Weiss
James M. Wells
Mrs. Melville W. Wendell
Sandra Wenner
Caroline C. Wheeler
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Willson
Nora Winsberg
David G. Winter
Brien and Cathy Wloch
Mrs. William Wunder
Dr. Debra L. Zahay
Daniel R. Zillmann
Audrey A. Zywicki
Estate Gifts
The following estates have generously provided gifts of bequests and other planned gifts to Lyric Opera. With deepest regards, Lyric Opera commemorates those departed
friends who have honored us with this most profound commitment.
Anonymous (6)
Mrs. Julius Abler
Mrs. Elmer E. Abrahamson
Arthur A. Acheson
Jean L. Acker
Dr. Anne Hardwick Addington
Ralph E. Adler
Estate of Beth Ann Alberding-
Donald Alderman
Dr. Harry S. and Irene K. Arkin
Mr. and Mrs. A. Watson Armour III
Joan Armstrong
James Ascareggi
James E. S. Baker
Elsa F. Bandi
Vincent Barresi
Estate of Patricia Anne Barton
Robert and Isabelle Bass
Mrs. Henry Beard
Mrs. B. Edward Bensinger
Mrs. Edwin P. Berndtson
Velma Berry
Rev. Dr. Warren Best
Mrs. Edward McCormick Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Blettner
Mary L. Block
Berenece A. Boehm
Raymond J. Bradley
Joanell C. Breen
John P. Britz Trust
Theresa J. Brosamer
Mrs. T. von Donop Buddington
Inge Burg
Nara Cadorin
Madeleine G. Camilleri
Carol N. Cane
Elizabeth Capilupo
Rose Mary Carter
Warren Choos
William J. Ciulla
Harry R. Clamor
Ellen Cole Charitable Remainder
Anne and Milton Colman
Dorothy F. Cooney
Nelson D. Cornelius
John W. Coutts
Robert Cowell
Claudia Cassidy Crawford Trust
Kathryn Kryder Crittenden
Kathleen A. Crosby
Joanne Toor Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Dabovich
Ruth B. Dean
Richard D. Deason
Marianne Deson-Herstein,
in memory of
Samuel and Sarah Deson
Marjorie Louise DeBoos
Jo Hopkins Deutsch
Jane Warner Dick, in honor of
Edison Dick
Helen L. Dickerman
The Edward & Rose Donnell
Marjorie Donovan
Mrs. Lyman Drake, Jr.
Josephine S. Dryer
Dr. Thomas R. Du Buque
Carl Dumke
Mrs. Ray Duncan
Bettie B. Dwinell
Barbara H. Eckholt
Carl B. Eklund
Kelli Gardner Emery
William J. Evans
Milton D. Faber
Yvette Fairshter
Dr. James D. Fenters
Larry Ferguson
Lorin Adrian Fillmore
Marguerite B. Finch
Harold Finley
Robert A. Fischer
Agnes Joern Fowler
Brena and Lee Freeman
Don B. Freeman
Mrs. Charles Goodlett Frey
Lucille Friday
Dr. Muriel S. Friedman
Robert M. Friedman
Robert S. Friend
Mrs. R. Robert Funderburg
Betsy Thayer Fricke Fyfe
Mrs. Hildreth Jane Gaebe
In memory of Carl and Fern
Florence Gambino
Mrs. Nicholas Gannam
Dr. Martin L. Gecht
In memory of Larry W. Gelfius,
member of the Lyric Opera
Lecture Corps
George Gifford
Rosalie E. Gingiss Trust
Alfred Glasser
Joe Richard Glover
Carlyn E. Goettsch
Myles C. and Gloria M. Gogan
Jane Yager Goodman
Jeanne Brown Gordon
Shirley and Benjamin Gould
Endowment Fund
John D. Gray
Frank E. and Sarah Graydon
Eleanor Green
Allen Greenberger
Jerome A. Gross
Lester and Betty Guttman
Ann Hall
David C. Hall
Richard Halvorsen
Elaine H. Hansen
Kenneth L. Harder Trust
Donna E. Harrison
Dr. Melville D. Hartman
Mrs. Ruth M. Harwell
Camille C. Hatzenbuehler
Hatti Hayes
Thomas D. Heath
Josephine A. Hedges
John C. Hedley
Dr. Erich and Tamara Heinrichs
J. Raymond Helbert
James C. Hemphill
The Margaret E. Hertline Family
Margot S. Hertz
James and Gail Hickey
Richard J. Hofemann
Martha and Walter Honigman
Carl E. Horn
Hugh Johnston Hubbard
Mrs. Alfred Jacobshagen
Deborah Jannotta
Lenore S. John
Albert J. Johnson
Diana T. Jones
Phyllis A. Jones
Dr. Stephen E. Juhasz
Joseph M. Kacena
Andrew Karzas
Theodore Kassel
Sherry Kelley
Dorothy E. Kemp
Miss Emily Kernkamp, in memory
of Dr. Lorraine McGuire
Ms. Ruth Kiewe
Mrs. Israel Kirsh
Robert Kispert
R. Eustice Klein
Russell V. Kohr
Muriel Kolinsky
Ardis Krainik
Herman Kuhn
Anne C. Lacovic
Medard C. Lange Trust
Marjorie Lanterman
Susanne E. Larsh
Walter Leibfritz
Louis L. Lerner and
David L. Lerner
Mrs. John Woodworth Leslie
Robert C. Lietz
Dean A. Linton
Dr. Richard A. Livingston
Mrs. Glen A. Lloyd
Rosalie Loeding
Arthur B. Logan
Eleanor Lonek
Mrs. Arthur M. Long
Mary Longbrake
Babette Irene Louis
Dale B. Louiso
John P. Lundin
Eva Lutovsky
Mary Louise Maher
Dr. Alexis W. Maier Trust
Herman R. and Sylvia Margolis
Ellen R. Marks
Mrs. Edward A. Maser
Richard M. Mattern
Augustus K. Maxell, Jr.
Marjorie A. Mayhall
Hope Baldwin McCormick Trust
Alfred L. McDougal
Gerald E. Meyers
Ruth J. Milner
Lisa D. Mogensen
Mrs. Winston C. Moore
Ann A. Mortenson
Renate Moser
Dorothy Mosiman, in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar D. Jannotta
Ms. Kathryn Mueller
Doris A. Murdoch
Muriel Neave
Jerome and Elaine Nerenberg
Dawn Clark Netsch
Thomas G. Neumiller
John and Maynette Neundorf
Mrs. Frances Newman
Jaye and Piri Niefeld
Elisabeth A. Noel
Joan Ruck Nopola
William A. Novy, Jr.
James F. Oates
Mary S. Oldberg
Roberta R. Oliff
Rex N. Olsen
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Olson
Edmond and Alice Opler
Mary G. Oppenheim
Eugenia Patche
Suzanne Pirie Pattou
Richard Pearlman Charitable Trust
Fund for Music
Ralph M. Perlick
Seymour H. Persky Charitable
Ira J. Peskind
Bendix L. Peterson
Mrs. Howard R. Peterson
Harold H. and Elaine Plaut
Sidney L. Port
Jack and Eleanor Portis
Joann M. Potvliet
Frank J. Prah
Hal Pritchard
William Reily
Gayle Ann Rentschler
William G. Rice
Michael Richter
Theresa M. Rill
Gerald L. Ritholz
Rosemary D. Roberts
Harry A. Root
Rev. George Nash Ross
H. Cary Ross
Norman Ross Charitable Trust
George M. Rubenstein
Arthur Rubloff Residuary Trust
Burton Rubloff Trust
Edith S. Ruettinger
Margaret R. Sagers
Gladys S. Sailor Living Trust
Suzanne Hewson Sammann
Mrs. Lee Schaenen
Thomas W. Scheuer
S. Leder (Lee) Schiff
Alice F. Schimberg Trust
Roy Schmaltz
Katherine M. Schultz
Robert G. Schweitzer
Margaret W. Seeboeck
Romana K. and Clay Seipp
Dr. Joseph Semrow
Ingeborg Haupt Sennot
Michael N. Shallow
Henry Shapiro
Joseph Jeffrey Shedd
Lenore T. Sherwin
Rose L. Shure
Sidney N. Shure
Adeline Elizabeth Sigwalt
Ellen Smith Simmons
Robert Slabey
Philip and David Slesur Family
David Wm. Smitches
and Paul A. Lindgren
Edward Byron Smith
Dr. Edward C. Smith
Ms. Joan H. Smith
Mrs. Louis A. Smith
Paige L. Smith
Irene Smoller, in memory
of her late son,
William Rothwell Smoller
Willis B. Snell
Marilyn J. Snoble
Anna Sovish
Jay Spaulding
Eleanore E. Starek Trust
Clarke and Adine Stayman Trusts
James L. Stein
Franz S. Steinitz, M.D.
Robert D. Stewart
Howard A. Stotler
Frank D. Stout Trust
Lucile L. and Joseph J. Strasburger
Gertrude & Walter E. Swanson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Morton F. Swift
Helen L. Teich
Dean Terrell Estate
Glenn E. Thiel
Joseph Tiritilli
Jane B. Tripp Charitable Lead
Annuity Trust
Estate of Ruben Tross
Edgar William Trout
John T. Trutter
Dr. John E. Ultmann
Dr. Paul D. Urnes
John H. Utley and Mary L. Utley
Irvin J. Valovic
Sheila von Wiese-Mack
Cecilia Wade Charitable Trust
Nancy L. Wald
Lydia Walkowiak
Adele A. Wallace
Carmen W. Walsh
Lois L. Ward
Richard W. Wathen
Lyman Watson
Virginia O. Weaver
William D. Weaver
Eva L. Weber, M.D.
Melvin “Bud” Weil
Ralph Weil
Mrs. Miriam T. Weiss
Susanne Wells
Claire M. Wilhelm
Bernard E. Williams
Frances B. Wilson
In memoriam, Henry J. Witka
Sophie F. Wolff
Peter Wolkonsky, M.D.
Mrs. Peter Wolkonsky
Cynthia Wood
Mrs. William Wood Prince
Mrs. Herman E. Woods
Geraldine Wuester