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February 22 - March 19, 2016



Annual Individual and Foundation Support

Lyric Opera deeply appreciates annual campaign gifts from the following individuals, foundations, and government organizations. Their continued support is vital to our

success. The following listings include donors whose gifts or pledges were received between July 1, 2014 and January 1, 2016.

Anonymous (6)

John and Ann Amboian

Paul and Mary Anderson

Robin Angly

Estate of James Ascareggi

Robert and Isabelle Bass Foundation, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. Mark Bowen

Christine and Paul Branstad

Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Buck

Greg and Mamie Case

Joyce E. Chelberg

The Jacob and Rosaline Cohn


The Cozad Family

Crain-Maling Foundation

Sir Andrew Davis and

Lady Gianna Rolandi Davis

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Denny

Ann M. Drake

Drs. George and Sally Dunea

John Edelman and Suzanne Krohn

Lois and Steve Eisen

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Fama

The Ferguson-Yntema Family

Charitable Trust

Elaine Frank

Maurice and Patricia Frank

Lloyd A. Fry Foundation

R. Robert and Sally Funderburg

Charitable Trust

Carl A. and Fern B. Gaensslen

Charitable Giving Fund

Ruth Ann M. Gillis and

Michael J. McGuinnis

Avrum Gray Family

Mary Ellen Hennessy

Estate of Margot S. Hertz

Martha A. Hesse

Mr. and Mrs. Eric L. Hirschfield

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huebner

Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johnson

Greg and Annie Jones/

The Edgewater Funds

Estate of Phyllis A. Jones

Julian Family Foundation

Joseph M. Kacena Endowed Fund

Stephen A. Kaplan and

Alyce K. Sigler

The Kip Kelley Family

Patricia A. Kenney and

Gregory J. O'Leary

Mr. and Mrs. Sanfred Koltun

Komarek-Hyde-McQueen Foundation/

Patricia Hyde

Dr. and Mrs. Mark F. Kozloff

Lavin Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Burt Lewis

Jim and Kay Mabie

Jeanne Randall Malkin Family


Judith W. McCue and

Howard M. McCue III

Robert and Evelyn McCullen

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McKenna

Susan M. Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Todd D. Mitchell

Frank B. Modruson and

Lynne C. Shigley

Kenneth R. Norgan

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Oberlander

Matt and Carrie Parr

Estate of Ira J. Peskind

Ingrid Peters

The C. G. Pinnell Family

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Polsky

J. B. and M. K. Pritzker Family


Dr. and Mrs. Ricardo Rosenkranz

Sage Foundation

Estate of Margaret R. Sagers

Rodd M. Schreiber and

Susan Hassan Schreiber

The Schroeder Foundation

Barbara and Barre Seid Foundation

Estate of Dr. Joseph J. Semrow

Charles and M.R. Shapiro

Foundation, Inc.

Rose L. Shure

Lois B. Siegel

Morris Silverman and

Lori Ann Komisar

Bill and Orli Staley Foundation

Dusan Stefoski and Craig Savage

Mary Stowell

Joseph and Pam Szokol

Carl and Marilynn Thoma

Mrs. J. W. Van Gorkom

Walter Family Foundation

Kim and Miles D. White

Paul Wood and

The Honorable Corinne Wood

GOLDEN GRAND BENEFACTOR · $25,000 to $49,999

Anonymous (3)

The Brinson Foundation

Henry M. and Gilda R. Buchbinder

Janet V. Burch, M.D. and

Joel R. Guillory, M.D.

Cellmer/Neal Foundation Fund

The Chicago Community Trust

Ann and Reed Coleman

Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Ferro, Jr.

Rhoda L. and Henry S. Frank

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Gidwitz

Brent and Katie Gledhill

Sue and Melvin Gray

The Handa Foundation

Estate of Elaine H. Hansen

The Hearst Foundations

Howard Family Foundation

Illinois Arts Council

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Knight III

Chauncey and Marion D. McCormick

Family Foundation

Lauter McDougal Charitable Fund

Blythe Jaski McGarvie

Estate of Renate Moser

Polk Bros. Foundation

Lloyd E. Rigler-Lawrence E. Deutsch


Collin and Lili Roche

Sandra and Earl Rusnak, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. James L. Sandner

Nancy S. Searle

Segal Family Foundation

Howard Solomon and

Sarah Billinghurst Solomon

Cherryl T. Thomas

Robert L. Turner

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Weiss

PLATINUM GRAND BENEFACTOR · $50,000 to $99,999

Anonymous (7)

Katherine A. Abelson and

Robert J. Cornell

Ada and Whitney Addington

Paul M. Angell Family Foundation

Julie and Roger Baskes

James N. and Laurie V. Bay

Marlys A. Beider

Randy L. and Melvin R. Berlin

Carolyn S. Bucksbaum

The John and Jackie Bucksbaum


Amy and Paul Carbone

David and Orit Carpenter

Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation

City of Chicago Department of

Cultural Affairs and Special Events

Estate of Nelson D. Cornelius

Mr. and Mrs. John V. Crowe

The Crown Family

Mr. and Mrs. A. Steven Crown

The Davee Foundation

Stefan T. Edlis and Gael Neeson

Mr. and Mrs. W. James Farrell

Daniel Fischel and Sylvia Neil

Ford Foundation

Julius Frankel Foundation

Elizabeth Morse Genius Charitable


Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation

Estate of Carlyn E. Goettsch

Ethel and William Gofen

The Grainger Foundation

Gramma Fisher Foundation of

Marshalltown, Iowa

Mr. & Mrs. Dietrich M. Gross

Estate of Betty Guttman

John R. Halligan Charitable Fund

The Harris Family Foundation

Walter E. Heller Foundation

J. Thomas Hurvis

The Edgar D. Jannotta Family

Richard P. and Susan Kiphart

Dr. David G. Knott and

Ms. Francoise Girard

Nancy W. Knowles

Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Krehbiel

Josef and Margot Lakonishok

Estate of Arthur B. Logan

John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur


Robert H. Malott

Mazza Foundation

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

The Monument Trust (UK)

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Morrison

The Elizabeth Morse Charitable Trust

Allan and Elaine Muchin

Linda K. and Dennis M. Myers

National Endowment for the Arts

The Negaunee Foundation

Jerome and Elaine Nerenberg


NIB Foundation

John D. and Alexandra C. Nichols

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Osborn

Seymour H. Persky Charitable Trust

Prince Charitable Trusts

J. Christopher and Anne N. Reyes


Betsy and Andy Rosenfield

Patrick G. Ryan and

Shirley Welsh Ryan

Estate of Thomas W. Scheuer

Dr. Scholl Foundation

Earl and Brenda Shapiro Foundation

Manfred and Fern Steinfeld

Lisbeth Stiffel

Mrs. Herbert A. Vance

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Vance

Donna Van Eekeren Foundation

The Wallace Foundation

Roberta L. Washlow and

Robert J. Washlow

Helen and Sam Zell

Ann Ziff

ARIA SOCIETY · $100,000 and above