November 19 - December 7, 2016
In a town square, a crowd celebrates the
beauty of Dulcinée. When she appears,
she confesses that, however admired a
young woman may be, there is invariably
something missing in her life. Juan and
Rodriguez argue over who adores her
more, until they hear that Don Quichotte
– a knight they have heard is delusional –
is about to arrive with his squire, Sancho
Panza. They now ride in, to the delight of
the crowd. Thrilled with their popularity,
Quichotte orders Sancho to empty his
pockets for the beggars and children.
After the crowd has dispersed,
Quichotte pulls out his mandolin,
preparing to serenade Dulcinée, while
the exhausted Sancho makes his way
to the local inn. The knight’s serenade
begins, only to be interrupted by Juan,
who jealously warns Quichotte against
pursuing Dulcinée. They duel, pausing
momentarily so that Quichotte can finish
his song but then resume, only to be
interrupted again, this time by Dulcinée
herself. She praises the beauty and musical
mastery of Quichotte’s serenade, chiding
Juan for his passionate outbursts.
Once alone withQuichotte, Dulcinée
tells him that if he truly loves her, he will
retrieve her necklace that was stolen the
In and around a small town in Spain
There will be an intermission
after Act Three.
day before by the bandit Ténébrun – a
mission that Quichotte immediately and
happily accepts. Dulcinée then leaves with
Juan and her other admirers, laughing
about how Quichotte amuses her. The
determined knight prepares for his quest.
Traveling in a misty countryside,
Quichotte sings of Dulcinée, trying with
full concentration to think of felicitous
rhymes. Sancho begins to suspect that
Dulcinée played a joke on them, and that
there are, in fact, no bandits. He bitterly
laments women’s deceitfulness.
The mist clears, revealing windmills
that Quichotte believes are giants, adding
to Sancho’s exasperation with his master’s
madness. When he attacks the windmills,
Quichotte gets caught in one of the sails,
leaving him stuck circling through the air.
In the mountains at sunset, Quichotte and
Sancho continue their journey. Quichotte
remains enthusiastic and resolute, Sancho
hesitant but faithfully following his master.
They encounter the bandits, who greatly
outnumber them, causing Sancho to
run away. Quichotte is captured and the
bandits are preparing to kill him, but his
final prayer deeply moves them. He tells
the bandits who he is, expressing his love
of mankind and nature, his devotion to
duty, and his dedication to his mission.
When he asks for Dulcinée’s necklace,
the bandits, captivated by his honesty and
kindheartedness, gladly yield it. As Sancho
comes out of hiding, Quichotte relishes his
success and power over the bandits.
At a soirée in the garden of her house,
Dulcinée turns away her admirers and
ponders the positives and negatives of
love. When pursued again by various
suitors, she replies that their advances only
bore her. She desires instead a different,
less ordinary love.
After all retreat inside to supper, Don
Quichotte and Sancho arrive, dreaming
of the rewards that may await them.
When everyone emerges, the victorious
duo prove the success of their journey
by producing the necklace. Quichotte
believes this will secure Dulcinée’s hand
in marriage, but she laughs, expressing her
contentment with remaining independent
and unattached. Attempting to console
Quichotte, she explains that by being
honest, she is clearly showing her affection
for him. Her admirers and other guests
mock the sad and disappointed knight.
Sancho shames them for berating a man
whose only crimes are his kindheartedness
and idealism.
On a mountain path, Sancho prays over
the sleeping Quichotte, hoping that his
master’s gentle heart may find happiness
and the realization of his dreams.
Quichotte wakes and, knowing that
his life is about to end, tells his trusty
companion that he deserves everything he
dreams of. As Quichotte looks to Jupiter,
which shines brightly, he hears Dulcinée
singing in the distance and believes her
voice is coming from the heavens. He
embraces death, leaving Sancho to mourn
his departed master.